National Film Development Corporation (NFDC) Indian project market Film Bazaar has selected six features for its 2024 Work-in-Progress Lab, with five debut directors making the cut for the program running Nov. 20-24.
The 2024 selection spans multiple languages, featuring Tribeny Rai’s Nepali-language “Shape of Momos,” Shakteedhar Bir’s Bengali title “Gaangshalik” (River Bird) Mohan Kumar Valasala’s Telugu project “Yerra Mandaram” (The Red Hibiscus), Ridham Janve’s “Kaatti Ri Raatti” (Hunters Moon) in Gaddi and Nepali, Siddharth Badi’s Marathi film “Umal,” and Vivek Kumar’s Hindi feature “The Good The Bad The Hungry.”
The lab, which has established itself as a stepping stone for independent South Asian cinema, will continue its hybrid format combining online and offline sessions. This structure allows real-time collaboration between filmmakers and mentors during the post-production phase.
The program, which focuses on theatrical features, pairs directors and editors with industry veterans for one-on-one feedback sessions. Mentors include festival directors, critics, producers, and established editors who work with the filmmakers to achieve their final cuts.
Since its 2008 launch, the program has proven instrumental in launching films that have made their mark on the international festival circuit. Notable alumni include “Putul Nacher Itikatha” (2023), Busan winner “Shivamma” (2021), “Eeb Allay Ooo!” (2018), “Lipstick Under My Burkha” (2015), and “Ship of Theseus” (2011).
Film Bazaar, which serves as the region’s primary film industry platform, continues to function as a nexus for filmmakers, industry professionals, and audiences, focusing on developing and promoting South Asian cinema.
The event recently unveiled an ambitious slate for its 18th edition co-production market, with “Baahubali” producer Shobu Yarlagadda among the selection. The market showcases 29 projects spanning India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Australia, the U.K., Germany, and Hong Kong.
The market runs concurrently with the International Film Festival of India, which unspools Nov. 20-28 across Goa.