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Founding Member of American Film Market Was 90


Robert “Bobby” Meyers, a film distribution executive for more than five decades who was instrumental in the launch of the American Film Market, died Sunday at his home in New Jersey. He was 90.

Early in his career, Meyers joined Columbia Pictures International where he served in Paris and Brussels, becoming European Sales Manager. He later played a pivotal part in international sales and distribution with executive roles at National General Pictures, Lorimar Motion Pictures, Filmways Productions, Orion Picture and Village Roadshow.

He worked on the releases of films including “Obsession,” “Being There,” “Blow Out” and “Twilight’s Last Gleaming.”

While heading sales at Lorimar and later as president of Filmways, Meyers led a group of international sales companies to launch the American Film Market, which will have its 46th edition this year.

As selling foreign pre-sales rights as a means of financing films in production took off, he helped launch the AFM when he saw the need for a Hollywood-based sales event.

He also served as chairman of the American Film Marketing Association, now IFTA, and continued to be involved in the association as vice chairman, executive committee member and board member. He was a familiar figure in the halls of the AFM and the Cannes Film Festival and Market.

“Bobby was instrumental in encouraging and shaping the independent film industry landscape throughout his extensive career,” said Jean Prewitt, President & CEO of the Independent Film & Television Alliance. “He was the driving force behind the launch of the American Film Market and the first Chairman of the American Film Marketing Association and he remained involved and deeply committed to the association for the next forty years. Bobby was a trusted colleague, a confident, and an advisor whose insight and support mattered to me and to all who had the pleasure of working with him.”

He is survived by his wife Roberta, children Adam, David and Jen; nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

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